George River Solo 2018
Day 32
Start Time: 8/15/2018 0:00 PM
Duration: 0:00
Distance / Total (km): 0 / 407.7
As forecast, the wind was very strong in the early morning. I got up and out to secure the Pod to the canoe and then back to bed since the prediction was for even stronger NNW wind during the day. It was clear I was going nowhere yet again! Time passed slowly, there was quite a bit of sun but it only brought stronger gusts of wind and brief rain showers. Any idea of making it to the High Cliffs is out as is the idea of doing some hiking there. With so many days lost I really cannot afford to “waste” good paddling weather. I am growing concerned about both the rapids and the camping on the lower river, big rapids and strong winds are not a safe combo, and most of the campsites I had used on previous trips were very exposed.
Around 7:00pm I went out for the first time, the sun was just about to drop below the hills, slightly breezy and cool. In the Pod everything was as I left it other than my small barrel which had fallen over on its side. I burned some coil, made some tea and then a bag of Leonardo de Fettuccini (Alpine Aire), not bad with the proper added seasoning. Back to the tent just before dark, it is calm now, the moon is up, I hope for an early wake up and maybe skip the cabin and try to reach the end of Indian House, about 31km.