George River Solo 2018
Day 11
Start Time: 7/25/2018 0:00 PM
Duration: 0:00
Distance / Total (km): 00 / 139.9
I finally got moving at Noon, switched to the Pod, which had held up well during the night. 100% cloud cover but not raining at the moment. I made tea, had a muesli bun with jam and an orange for “breakfast”, I thinking I will skip lunch and have an early dinner, as I am certainly not actually paddling anywhere today. It is cool and breezy, some ‘skeeters seek refuge with me in the Pod so I burned some coils to deal with that. Light rain returned as I spent some time recharging devices, cutting my nails, sending a few texts and general sorting of “stuff”. The thermometer shows 17c, feels cooler, maybe because of the dampness and lack of sunlight. In the mid-afternoon, there was a brief moment when the sky brightened with a tease of possible clearing but it only lasted a few minutes before the rain resumed.
I have a “tradition” on layover days of having breakfast for dinner; this usually means bacon & eggs (1 pack of pre-cooked bacon / 2 eggs). After dinner around 7:00pm I went out for a short stroll, it was quite pleasant, few bugs with a light breeze. The shoreline here is flat with a slight slope into the water; it gave me a good opportunity to gauge the water levels. The green moss that covers much of the ground near the water extended out a few metres to a point where it was more than a foot under water, also seen were small rocks under the water with patches of lichens that would for much of the time be above water. So the water levels were generally high which bode well for the swamp crossing I would be doing tomorrow as I left the Smallwood and made my way uphill to the height of land.
Unless the weather deteriorates, I will be moving on tomorrow, leaving the Smallwood behind and heading for the border but uncertain if I will only get to Adelaide Lake, Hubbard Lake or over the height of land into Quebec’s Elson Lake. I moved back to the Marmot around 9:00pm eventually drifting off to the subtle hum of mosquitos and the gentle lapping of water on the shore.